The Keeper of the Knowledge – Coming Soon!
A Work in Progress
It has been a while since I last blogged. I’m embarrassed to say when. Do you want to hear my excuses, or would you just like me to shut up and blog? I hope the latter, but there’s a part of me that says life has been tough the past year or so, and I’d like to share some of that with you.
Without going into too much detail, there have been family health problems that have up-ended a writing-conducive lifestyle to that of just trying to stay centered each day and remember I am still a writer.
Good News
I have returned to writing the fifth book in the Ialana Series. No more excuses, no more huge problems. It appears that finally, things are humming along in a way that other issues of the past year have taken a back seat. I hope to have Book 5 ready to edit by the end of summer, and if all goes well, published in the fall of 2019.
Is there a working title for this book yet? Yes! What do you think of “The Knowledge Keeper of Ialana,” Book 5 of the Ialana Series? If you have any thoughts about that title, please let me know before it becomes engraved in Amazon stone. I love to hear from my readers, and any ideas from you are always welcome.
What is the book about, you may ask? I’m glad you did. The Ialana saga continues with the Six, but there is a new main character who has made brief appearances before and only now will she—yes, a female—will come into her leading role. Her name is Saran, and some of you may remember Saran as the younger sister of Kex, one of the Six. She will be just as spunky and difficult as Kex was, maybe even more so. She is Kex on steroids. Her scrappy and headstrong nature will naturally get her into loads of trouble, and this time, there is no one with magical powers to bail her out.
So that is all I can say at the moment, but rest assured this book is finally taxiing down the runway and will soon be airborne. Enough sitting waiting at the gate with a screaming tot behind you and another kicking the back of your seat as the open-mouthed, drooling guy snores in the seat next to you. We’re off on an adventure that will be every bit as exciting as the other four books!
A Great Deal
If you are reading my blog for the first time, and have never heard of The Ialana Series, now is the time to click here quickly. It is a link to the first book that I am offering on Amazon Kindle for only .99c.
Book One is a great introduction to the series, and to fully understand the world and background of Saran, it helps to read the whole series. The next three in the series, after Book 1, are all free on Kindle Unlimited, if that helps. I hope to have the complete series available on Nook soon, and Book 1 is now available in audio on, and Book 2, The Six and the Gardeners of Ialana, will be available on Audible very soon!
I will keep you informed here and on my facebook page as to the progress of the audiobook, and when it will be available.
FREE Download
Thanks for hearing me out, and I hope to have more exciting news. I will also be doing book giveaways. If you have signed up for my newsletter and blog, you will receive a free download of the novella prequel to the Ialana Series automatically. It’s a great introduction to the world of Ialana. In my next giveaway, I will offer a free, signed paperback, along with a beautiful map poster of the continent of Ialana to go along with it. Stay tuned!
Oh I love the title and can’t wait to find about about Kexs little sister’s adventures. Keep us posted as you create this amazing story!